Monday, August 6, 2012

Humidity on the Brain

Post 47

My mind is lazy as blue mud.
Inspiration minimal, camera woes continue and humidity is taking the humanity out of me. Want ocean. Want cool pellucid waters.  Want this--

 Got this instead, which granted, looks pretty good, even if it is an old pic from a few summers ago.

It shows a then small Pee Gee hydrangea on the left. If I had a camera you could see that he Pee Gee is now a tree a story high, 8 feet in breadth, and covered in long white blossoms that overhang upright red bistort (Persicaria amplexicaulis 'Firetail,) a stand of which is pictured below.

Its a good combination. Add in, to the right and behind, a now two story tall, red crepe myrtle blooming like all heck, some white bistort (not sure of the variety) around the bowling ball bird bath,

And the orangy-chartruse red maple in front. It all works. ... as a recent pic would show.

I am researching a new camera, and I hope that in a few weeks I will be able to offer fresh pics. Till then I cannot decide whether I should try my best to keep things going or take an August hiatus.

Part of the fun of a blog is its immediacy. Using old, second-rate pics does not feel immediate.

Plus I have fallen in love with taking pictures. And am in withdrawal. Being able to make images gives me words. My childhood love of picture books is returned, made even better by added adult capabilities. 


So, I would rather be playing with goats on an Northern isle with a camera tucked in my pocket than here, but here I am and must remind myself not to be blinded to the beauty I am lucky enough to enjoy.
Above is one of the last shots I took with my dime store camera before it broke down. 

Till less humid times...


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